Arm Lift
Skin sagging may occur in the upper arm area as a result of gaining and losing excess weight, advancing age, or gravity. Skin sagging, which does not create an aesthetic appearance, can cause morale by wearing short-sleeved clothes, especially in summer. Arm lift surgery is applied to sagging in the arm area caused by aging or irregular weight loss. Arm lift operation reduces sagging skin and gives the arm a more regular and aesthetic appearance. Arm lift surgery performed easily in a short time by specialist plastic surgery doctors.
How Arm Lift Surgery Is Performed ?
The arm area, which will gain a flawless appearance by eliminating the sagging skin with aesthetic arm lift surgery, is performed under general or local anesthesia according to the patient’s condition. Arm lift surgery is completed by removing the fats and tissues in the inner parts of the arm. The liposuction method can be applied without the need for stretching surgery in the arm area where the fat is too much and the sagging is not too much. In case of excess fat in the upper arm area and too much sagging of the skin, the stretching process can be performed together with the liposuction method in arm lift surgery.
In the arm lift process, the sagging skin is made by the specialist doctor with cuts applied to the inner or back of the arm. Then, fat transfer is applied to the arm area where the incision is performed and the muscles and adipose tissue are reshaped. Aesthetic arm lift surgery is terminated by closing with the help of medical removable or self-destructing seams. Arm lift surgery can take up to 1-2 hours depending on the size of the skin hanging in the arm area and the fact that it contains excess fat. Arm lift surgery can also be performed with aesthetic or stretching operations to be performed in other parts of the body. For example, this surgery can be performed in a single surgery with leg lift or breast aesthetics.
Arm Lift Surgery Healing Process
Untraceable arm lift surgery applied to reshape the sagging skin in the arm area to achieve a flawless appearance may cause temporary scarring. After the arm lift, there is no pain, or pain severity is almost non-existent. By correcting the sagging skin, bandages are applied to the surgical area and edema and swelling are prevented.
- Arm lift surgery takes place within 5 or 10 days of recovery.
- According to the thread used, the seams are taken by your doctor or disappear on their own.
- Activities that will strain the arm area for 1-2 months after aesthetic arm lift surgery should be avoided.
- Temporary scars after arm and leg lift surgeries disappear completely within 6 months or 1 year. It is up to you to enjoy the beautiful look with perfect skin that does not sag.
Sports After Arm Lift Surgery
After untraceable arm lift surgery, the skin may sag again with the aging process of the person. To ensure that arm lift aesthetics are long-lasting, healthy, and perfect, it is recommended to exercise regularly and eat healthily. Arm lift aesthetics can be applied again at a later age.
Arm Lift Surgery Prices
The prices of aesthetic arm lift surgery may vary according to many factors. Conditions such as the size of the sagging skin in the upper arm area and the excess fat contained in it can affect the price of arm lift surgery. It may be in your best interest to research plastic surgery doctors who have done this treatment with success and happy return rates before your arm lift surgery price research. Thanks to the latest technologies used and the specialist plastic surgery doctors involved, you can get perfect and aesthetic arms. You can stop by the outpatient clinic to reach detailed arm lift surgery prices or call to find out the prices.
Appointment Line
0538 266 66 97
For more information, please contact us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.
Kaç Seans Yapılır1
İşlem Süresi 3-4 Saat
Anestezi Lokal/Genel Anestezi
Hassasiyet Süresi7-10 Gün
İşe Ne Zaman Dönülür7 Gün
Tam İyilişme Süresi 7-10 Gün
Kalıcılık Süresi Sürekli
Hastanede Yatış SüresiYok/1 Gece
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Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
Estetik kol germe ameliyatı ile sarkan derinin ortadan kaldırılmasıyla kusursuz bir görünüm kazanacak olan kol bölgesi, hastanın durumuna göre genel veya bölgesel anestezi yapılarak uygulanır. Sarkan deriye sahip olan kolun iç bölümlerindeki yağlar ve dokular çıkartılarak estetik, genç görünüme kavuşturularak kol germe ameliyatı tamamlanır.
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Kol Germe Ameliyatı fiyatları yapılacak olan ameliyat şekline göre değişmektedir. Kliniğimizde uzman doktorumuzla yapılacak olan ücretsiz ön görüşme sonrasında detaylı fiyat bilgisi verilecektir.
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Kol Germe Ameliyatı, bir defa yapılır.
Kol Germe Ameliyatı, vücutta kalıcı hasar oluşturmaz. Eğer uzman ve işinin ehli doktorlar tarafından uygulanırsa yan etki, komplikasyon yada zararlı etki oluşturmaz. Bazı durumlar kol bölgesinde hafif iz olabilir. Bu durum 1-2 ay içerisinde tamamen geçer. Spor yapmaya 1 ay sonra başlanabilir.
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Anestezi şekline (genel mi/lokal mi) işlemden önce yapılan kontroller sırasında doktorumuz tarafından karar verilir. Kol Germe Ameliyatı genellikle Lokal Anestezi ile yapılır.
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- kol gerdirme ameliyatı olanların yorumları
Doktorlarımız özel estetik dikiş tekniğini bölgeye uyguladıklarından herhangi bir iz kalma durumu söz konusu değildir.
Aynı zamanda bikini bölgesinde kalacak şekilde dizayn edilen operasyon; izsiz kol ameliyatı seçeneğini yaratarak kişinin vücudunda istemeyeceği kızarık, morluk ve izlerin bulunmasının önüne geçer.
Kol germe ameliyatı, doktor muayenesinden sonra doktorun kararına göre, 20 yaşın üstünde herkese uygulanabilir. Ama genellikle 30 yaşın üstünde hastalara önerilir.
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Kol germe uygulamasından sonra cildinizde hissedilebilir bir gerilme olacaktır. Kol bölgesi daha gergin ve fit bir görünüme kavuşacaktır.
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