Body Shaping

Lubrication may occur in some parts of the body for various reasons. This fat problem sometimes does not melt despite diet and sports. This condition, which leads to a lack of self-confidence in the person, ends with laser liposuction or lipolysis, which is one of the latest developments in the aesthetics sector. Body laser liposuction, which provides advantages in many ways, is an easy and effective procedure.

What is Laser Liposuction?

Laser liposuction is the most general definition of the process of removing fat cells from the body through laser energy. The fat problem, which is resistant to exercise and diets in the body, is broken down and removed from the body. Laser liposuction, which affects the lower skin, also stimulates collagen and elastic fibers. Liposuction can be applied to many areas such as the abdomen, waist, back, tickle, hips, and legs with subcutaneous fat. It is also a frequently used procedure in the treatment of breast growth, which has become a nightmare for men. Sometimes the laser procedure can also be applied to people who have liposuction in advance and cannot get rid of their fat completely. Liposuction prices vary according to the region to be applied.

The answer to the question of how to perform laser liposuction:

First of all, 2-3 millimeter thick fibers and laser beams are sent to the lubrication area for the breakdown of oils. Then, under negative pressure, fats in solid form are liquefied and pulled together with cannulas of 3-4 mm. Millimetric incisions are made through the fine cannulas used here. After aspiration of melted fat, with laser energy skin is tightened.

Arm Area Laser Liposuction

Sagging may occur in the arm area due to various reasons. This condition, which is especially uncomfortable for women, is treated by arm laser liposuction by thinning the fats and tightening the skin. The procedure, which lasts 1-3 hours, is performed with local anesthesia and sedation. 1-2 holes are drilled in the arm. Laser treatment is performed by entering the area through the holes. The fat is  melted  and removed with aspiration, skin is tightened. The patient is discharged on the same day. The laser liposuction healing process takes place within a few days.

Hip Area Laser Liposuction

Sometimes due to genetic and sometimes incorrect eating habits, there is a problem of lubrication in the hip area. Patients who want to have hip laser liposuction are first examined in detail and the possibility of solving the problem with a different treatment method is investigated. If the oils are of the so-called stubborn type, laser treatment is performed.  Laser liposuction is performed on the hip area with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Laser liposuction, which requires extreme attention and hygiene, is performed by the expert staff with the latest technological products in Istanbul at  AKM Polyclinic.

Laser Liposuction for Abdomen, Side Area, and Back Area

In the body laser liposuction process, local anesthesia is usually applied when operating on the lubrication problem, which is uncomfortable for both men and women. Fats in the abdomen, sides, and back area, which reveal the form of the body, are the most common areas where liposuction is applied. After laser liposuction surgery on the side area, back area, and abdomen, the patient regains his dream body after about 3 months. It is usually recommended that the patient use a corset after surgery.

What is Laser Lipolysis?

In the short term, the lipolysis process, which allows the body to take shape, usually allows getting rid of regional fats in a single session. In addition to being very short, the recovery time is almost nonexistent for problems such as bleeding or bruising in the body. Although the process of arm thinning with laser lipolysis and under chin removal with laser lipolysis is at the ideal weight, it is applied to people with lubrication problems in these areas. By preventing the problem of excess lubrication in the region, the patient gets the appearance he wants.

3D laser lipolysis, which we have heard of frequently in recent times, is the process of blasting laser light by applying it directly to the membrane of the fat cell. In the 3D laser, which allows the permanent destruction of fat cells, the skin becomes tense. Also, cellulite is destroyed by 3D processing.

Laser lipolysis plus is a process that destroys the places and fats that damage the tissue in the adipose tissue by applying laser energy. In addition to giving elasticity to the tissue, this process stimulates the cells and provides recovery, stretching, and tightening.

What is the Difference Between Laser Lipolysis and Liposuction?

  • Laser liposuction and laser lipolysis are concepts that are often confused with each other.
  • In both processes, getting the body rid of fat is the main goal.
  • The mm diameters of the cannulas used in both procedures are different.
  • The liposuction process provides melting and removal of fats from the body while tightening the body is ensured in the lipolysis process.
  • Lipolysis is also applied against the problem of excessive sweating under the armpit.
  • Lipolysis is performed using the local or sedation anesthesia method.

Laser lipolysis is carried out with the latest technological devices at Istanbul AKM Polyclinic and the patient’s satisfaction is targeted as the basis. Laser lipolysis is determined by specialist doctors taking into account the lubrication status in the region and region to be made in the price determination.

Appointment Line

0538 266 66 97

For more information, please contact us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Kaç Seans Yapılır1

İşlem Süresi1-3 Saat

Anestezi  Genel Anestezi

Hassasiyet Süresi7-10 Gün

İşe Ne Zaman Dönülür2 Gün

Tam İyilişme Süresi 7-10 Gün

Kalıcılık Süresi Sürekli

Hastanede Yatış SüresiYok/1 Gece

DİKKAT: Herkesin vücut yapısı farklılık gösterir. Bundan dolayı herkesin tedavi süreci, planlaması ve sonuçları da farklılık göstermektedir. Yukarıda belirtilen bilgiler  ortalama değerlerdir. Detaylı bilgi almak için bizimle WhatsApp üzerinden iletişime geçebilirsiniz:

Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Lazer liposuction en genel tanımı ile yağ hücrelerinin lazer enerjisi yoluyla vücuttan atılması işlemidir. Vücuttaki yağlar parçalanarak vücuttan atılır. Alt deriyi etkisi altına alan lazer liposuction, kolajen ve elastik liflerini de uyarır. Liposuction işlemi cilt altı yağ bulunan; karın, bel, sırt, gıdı, basen ve bacaklar gibi birçok bölgeye uygulanabilir.

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  • liposuction estetiği

 İyileşme süresi kısa olmasının yanı sıra vücutta kanama ya da morluk gibi sorunlar yok denecek kadar azdır.

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  • lipoliz estetiği

Lazer Liposuction Ameliyatı, fiyatları yapılacak olan ameliyat bölgesine göre değişmektedir. Kliniğimizde uzman doktorumuzla yapılacak olan ön görüşme sonrasında detaylı fiyat bilgisi verilecektir.

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  • vaser liposuction ameliyatı kaç lira

Lazer Lipoliz Ameliyatı, fiyatları yapılacak olan ameliyat bölgesine göre değişmektedir. Kliniğimizde uzman doktorumuzla yapılacak olan ön görüşme sonrasında detaylı fiyat bilgisi verilecektir.

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  • lipoliz estetiği fiyatları
  • vaser liposuction ameliyatı kaç lira

Lazer Liposuction Ameliyatı, genellikle bir defa yapılması yeterli olur. Eğer istenirse 8-12 ay sonra tekrar edilebilir.

Lazer Liposuction, vücutta kalıcı hasar oluşturmaz. Eğer uzman ve işinin ehli doktorlar tarafından uygulanırsa yan etki, komplikasyon yada zararlı etki  riskleri minimuma indirilir. Bazı durumlar karın bölgesinde hafif kas donması olabilir. Bu durum 1 ay içerisinde tamamen geçer.

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  • vaser liposuction sonrası

Anestezi şekline (genel mi/lokal mi) işlemden önce yapılan kontroller sırasında doktorumuz tarafından karar verilir. Genellikle Lazer Liposuction Ameliyatı Lokal Anestezi yöntemi ile yapılır.

Doktorlarımız işlem yapılan bölgeye estetik dikiş tekniğini uygulamaktadır.

Lazer Liposuction operasyonu, doktor muayenesinden sonra doktorun kararına göre, 20 yaşın üstünde ve bu işleme uygun olan kişilere uygulanabilir.

  • lazer liposuction kaç yaşında yapılır
  • liposuction kimlere yapılır
  • liposuction yaş sınırı

Sırt bölgesinin diğer bölgelere göre daha dirençli bir yağ yapısı vardır. Bu bölgeye de lazer liposuction işlemi uygulanabilir..