Facial Botox

With Botox, wrinkles and lines on the skin are temporarily destroyed. The duration of Botox treatment is around 4-6 months. The duration varies from person to person. This period affects the age and the condition of the applied region. Almost everyone can have Botox except pregnant or lactating women.

Botox in Facial Aesthetics

Forehead, eye circumference, eyebrows, the sidewall of the nose, fine lines on the lip, wrinkles around the mouth, wrinkles, and bands on the neck skin are formed as a result of contraction of the mimic muscles in the face and neck. The lines between the eyebrows and the sidewall of the nose cause angry facial expressions, the lines around the eyes and forehead cause old and tired facial expressions, and the lines around the mouth cause a sad facial expression.

Botox prevents the mimic muscles in these areas of the face from contracting temporarily, eliminating tired, angry, and sad facial expressions and obtaining a wrinkle-free, younger, and more vigorous facial expression.

Botox treatment should be carried out by experienced specialists, who know the anatomy of the facial muscles well. It is done on the muscles that cause wrinkles with a very thin-tipped needle. It is not a painful procedure and only slight burning and pity is felt in that area. After the procedure, that area should not be rubbed so that botox does not spread to the surrounding muscles.

Scope of application

  • Forehead lines that cause tired and old expression
  • Eyebrow-to-eyebrow lines that cause angry expression
  • Eye edge wrinkles (goose feet)
  • Correction of fine lines on the upper lip
  • Raising eyebrows, putting eyebrows in the desired position
  • Correction of wrinkles and bands on the neck skin

Appointment Line

0538 266 66 97

For more information, please contact us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Kaç Seans Yapılır1

İşlem Süresi20-25 dk

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İşe Ne Zaman Dönülür1 Gün

Tam İyilişme Süresi 3-5 Gün

Kalıcılık Süresi 4-6 Ay

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