Jaw (Chin) Filler

Jaw filling is done to balance the facial ratio and to have a more aesthetic appearance. In situations that disturb the person such as lack of volume in the jaw, asymmetrical disorder, sagging of the jawline, and deep jaw dimple, the symmetrical image is provided by chin filling. Jaw problems can be completely solved thanks to the procedure performed using the latest technologies. Different types of this process vary according to the need, such as jaw tip filling, chin dimple filling, and jaw extension filler. In response to the question “What is jaw filling?” the filling material containing hyaluronic acid, which the body produces itself and whose production decreases over time, can be injected into the desired area with the help of a needle.

Flawless Appearance with Chin Filler

Jaw Filling is an easy application and it is possible to see its effects immediately. It is one of the biggest advantages that it can be done without the need for anesthesia, that the person can return to his social life immediately and that the effects are seen immediately.

How to Make Jaw Filling?

Problems and patient disorders are detected before this application, which is quite practical. Planning  made by marking the area to be filled. Anesthetic cream is then applied to reduce the sensation of pain or local anesthesia is performed if the patient wishes. After the anesthesia process is completed, the filling material is injected into the desired area with the help of needles called cannulas. After the procedure completed in as little as 15-20 minutes, the patient can continue his daily life. The effect lasts up to 1 year. Permanent jaw filling can also be performed depending on the patient’s request and conditions.

In What Cases Is Jaw Filling Applied?

If you have a deep dimple on your chin that you are uncomfortable with, a flat appearance can be obtained by filling the jaw dimple.

Jawline highlighting filling can be done to achieve a more characteristic appearance and balance throughout the face.

If you have a short jaw structure compared to your face, it is possible to achieve a symmetrical appearance by making chin extension filling for this problem.

Under-chin sagging, called age-related or genetic predisposition, is also an important problem. It can also be used if the conditions are suitable for the treatment of chin-filling tickles.

If there is a disturbing lack of volume on the jaw, a strong and pronounced jawline can be obtained by filling the jawline.

Younger and More Dynamic Appearance

With a strong jawline, the person can be made to look younger and more dynamic. A jaw that is tense, compatible with facial proportions, and not high in fat makes you look more vibrant and attractive. With the lower jaw filling, the oval jaw form can be created in women, while men can be given a wide jaw structure. For people with the jaw tip behind, a profile is created proportional to the chin filling. Angular, collapsed and small jaws give a hard expression to the face. Faces that are ovalized with chin filling create a more positive appearance. The jaw is very important in the face profile. A suitable jawline balances the profile of your entire face.

Perfect Faces compared to Gold

In the golden ratio, the face is divided into 3 regions. Eyebrows with hairline, the tip of the nose with eyebrow, and the tip of nose and jaw tip lengths should be equal. The tip of the nose and the tip of the jaw are also divided into 3 and the upper lip jaw distance should be 1/3. The lower lip distance should be 2/3. Jaw filling can give an aesthetic appearance to the jaw tip, which is smaller than this rate or has a short distance. With this procedure, which can be applied in both men and women, the jaw is given the appropriate sharpness to the face and the sagging jawline is corrected. After the procedure, bruises may occur so uncertain that they can be covered with edema and makeup for a few days.

Appointment Line

0538 266 66 97

For more information, please contact us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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Çene dolgusu sanılanın aksine deri altına değil kemik üzerine uygulanır. Önce uygulanacak bölge antiseptik solüsyonla temizlenir. Lokal anestezi uygulanır ve hasta işlem sırasında herhangi bir acı ya da ağrı hissetmez. Kapalı uçlu kanüllerle jel kıvamındaki hyaluronik asit dolgu maddesi yavaş yavaş enjekte edilir. 25-30 dakika gibi kısa bir sürede tamamlanan uygulama ile göz altındaki hacim anında görülür.

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Çene dolgusu uygulama şekli son derece güvenlidir. İçerik kalitesi sayesinde göze ve göz çevresine zarar vermez. Çene dolgusu yan etkileri de oldukça azdır. Son teknolojilerden faydalanarak yapılan işlem esnasında görülebilecek komplikasyonlar tedavi edilebilecek seviyededir. Cildin hassalığına bağlı olarak işlem sırasında hafif kanamalar meydana gelebilir. Çok nadir de olsa yapılan bölgede kızarmalar ve hafif morarmalar görülebilir. Bu kızarmalar 48 saat içinde tamamen yok olur.

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