Lazerle Yüz Gençleştirme

Laser Face Rejuvenation

Skin is one of the organs that most quickly reflects the negative effects of time. Especially the facial skin is very sensitive and susceptible to external factors. Some deformations and problems occur with even a percentage that is maintained regularly. Factors such as neglect of care, exposure to dirty air, improper sunbathing, weight gain and loss, lack of oxygen, stress, or hereditary causes multiply the debilitating effects of the passing time. The fine lines that appear on the skin deepen over time. Pale appearance, discoloration irregularities, blemishes, loosenings, and roughness produce an old image.

Face Rejuvenation

Face rejuvenation methods developed with the use of the latest technologies are effective in eliminating all skin problems. Surgical and medical methods within face rejuvenation applications can be preferred according to the age, expectations, and level of problems of the person. In some cases, combined solutions with multiple methods work best. Facial rejuvenation aesthetics offers the longest-term and permanent solution for those who are old enough to resort to surgical methods. Especially in the elimination of visible loosening and sagging, eliminating deep lines, and eliminating multiple problems on the face in a single surgery, facial rejuvenation aesthetics give a successful result. Medical methods developed with the latest technology in facial rejuvenation provide smiley achievements without cuts and surgery.

New Methods of Facial Rejuvenation

Even at a young age, many new non-surgical methods can be used to eliminate skin problems. Laser face rejuvenation is one of the most successful of these methods. By using the laser’s power to influence the lower layers of the skin, the face can gain a more tense appearance.

  • Collagen production is triggered in face rejuvenation laser applications.
  • With collagen increase, the skin gains fullness and volume.
  • Laser methods are also effective in removing skin blemishes and fine lines.
  • Another method of interest is 4d facial rejuvenation applications.
  • Four-dimensional facial rejuvenation application is advantageous with more natural and long-lasting results.
  • This method intervenes at the same time for loss of elasticity and skin surface problems.
  • Application takes place both from the mouth and from the surface of the skin.
  • Since the application works both on the surface and in the substrates, it responds to all the effects of aging at once.
  • Tension, tightening, and volume increase.
  • The method consists of 4-5 sessions lasting one hour.
  • The effect is close to two years.

Made with Fractional Laser (Device We Use Er-Yag Fotona SP Spectro)

  • Fractional laser application is one of the latest technologies used in skin rejuvenation.
  • With fractional laser applications, acne, and scars, wrinkles, sagging, even cracks in different parts of the body are removed.
  • This method, also known as Fraxel, directly acts on the lower layers of the skin and causes damage to the lower skin, triggering a regeneration reaction.
  • The fractional laser creates an invigorating effect on the lower skin and peels off the upper skin, providing regeneration on the skin surface.
  • Fractional laser treatment is advantageous because it responds to multiple skin problems.
  • Applications take approximately half an hour in a single session.
  • During the procedure, an anesthetic substance is applied locally to the skin.
  • After the procedure, very slight redness and peeling may occur on the surface of the skin.
  • The number of sessions is organized according to the depth of skin problems.

Device Has 3D App and 4D Applications

Fractional laser applications take place in 3 or 4 stages. Fractional laser 3d face rejuvenation application is completed in three steps and fractional laser 4d face rejuvenation application is completed in four steps.

  • Both methods improve skin quality on both the face and neck.
  • Different lasers are applied at each step.
  • 3d laser applications are also comfortable painless and safe with 4d laser applications.
  • These methods can be used safely in all seasons.
  • As soon as the lunch period, this application restores the young appearance to the patients.
  • Quick diagnosis
  • Complex medical tests
  • Early identification and intervention
  • Complex surgical interventions
  • Quick diagnosis
  • Complex medical tests
  • Early identification and intervention
  • Complex surgical interventions

Appointment Line

0538 266 66 97

For more information, please contact us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Kaç Seans Yapılır5-6

İşlem Süresi20 dk

Anestezi  Lokal Krem

Hassasiyet Süresi1-2 Gün

İşe Ne Zaman DönülürHemen

Tam İyilişme Süresi 7-10 Gün

Kalıcılık Süresi Sürekli

Hastanede Yatış SüresiYok

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