Laser Stain Treatment
One of the most common problems with the skin is blemishes. The spots caused by harmful rays of the sun, old age, hormone therapy break one’s self-confidence and cause them to feel uncomfortable. Although it is more common in those who have light skin color, in general, stain problems arise due to aging and sun in all skin types. However, stain treatment is possible with laser systems, chemical peeling, and mesotherapy. Among these methods, which are also supported by some drug supplements, the most common is laser stain treatment. If the blemish appears in a short time and is treated early, skin blemish treatment takes place in a short time. Older and deeper stains can also extend a little longer.
Stain Treatment by Laser Method
Lasers with dense beams of light can be colored or colorless. Laser stain treatment is a method without harm. Because the wavelength determines the target of light and only turns to melanin pigment as the target. In this way, it does not damage normal cells and skin stain treatment is carried out smoothly with laser. With the discovery and development of the Q-switched laser system, stain and pore treatment is generally more successful. State-of-the-art Q-switched lasers stand out for being systems that can be used safely by people with dark skin tone. The answer to the question “In what months is laser stain treatment done?” is autumn and winter. Because stain and pore treatment robs and thins the skin, the skin becomes more sensitive to external factors. It is necessary to stay as far away from the sun as possible during laser sunspot treatment or treatment of other stains. Therefore, the summer months when the sun is intense are risky months for laser skin blemishes treatment.
Precautions to Be Taken After Stain Treatment
Those who are treated with laser face stains should always use protective cream to prevent the formation of a new blemish.
The use of high-factor protective products is very important to prevent the stains from getting worse in the process before treatment.
In addition to protective products after laser stain treatment, clothing and hats that cover the body also provide strong protection against the sun.
Laser brown spot treatment and not neglecting skincare in the treatment of other blemishes are among the things to be considered in this process.
The products used in laser skin stain treatment and cleaning should not contain alcohol.
Even a single session for laser freckle and stain treatment is enough to greatly remove the stains. Treatment for deeper stains can take 2 or 3 sessions.
Laser Stain Treatment Systems
Different systems can be used to eliminate the problem in skin and sunspot stain treatment laser methods. These systems penetrate the lower layer of the skin, affecting the pigments here. These systems, which do not damage the surrounding cells, give successful results in several sessions.
Icon Laser
This system measures the rate of melanin in the patient with Skintel Melanin Reader technology. In this way, it determines the level of energy to be applied to the person’s skin. In this way, the side effects that may occur after laser stain treatment are eliminated. Icon laser destroys stains and prevents the formation of new stains. An average of 4-5 sessions is enough to remove the stain.
In this system, photoacoustic shocks are sent under the skin. These shocks cause heat damage in the applied area. This very sensitive system is very effective in removing skin blemishes. A total of 5-6 sessions in a period of 5 or 6 months are sufficient in this system. Clearlift is also known as a face stain treatment method with a very comfortable laser.
Baby Face Beauty
Baby Face Beauty, a highly innovative system, is often preferred as a laser stain treatment method. This system opens heat channels on the skin and uses anti-aging substances together. This blemish treatment uses lasers to open micro-channels on the skin and apply therapeutic serum to the skin through these channels. Thus, the skin enters the healing process by activating the mechanisms of self-repair.
Scarlet is among the systems used to treat stains with lasers. In this treatment system, the energy given to the lower layer of the skin is transmitted through micro-needles. With radiofrequency waves, the system emits heat energy to the lower layers of the skin. The treatment gives positive results in 3-4 sessions at 3-week intervals.
BBL Laser
Highly innovative, BBL Forever Young stimulates youth-related genes. It equates skin tone and opens up blemishes by transmitting light energy cells at different wavelengths to the depths. As a laser stain treatment method, BBL Forever Young reveals bright and spotless skin.
This system, which is one of the laser stain treatment methods, peels the skin superficially and fractionally. Fractora, which has achieved successful results in stain treatment, provides a significant reduction in sunspots as a laser sunspot treatment method. Winter months are recommended for this system, which can create crusting and sensitivity in the skin.
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