Face Lift Aesthetics
Due to the reasons caused by many factors over time, facial features break, wrinkle, or even age over time. In order not to further depress the person to such problems, the person prefers to undergo a facelift operation. Face skin lift is one of the most preferred methods in recent times. This procedure is usually performed at the middle age and afterward. The main purpose of the operation is to restore the face area to its former youthful appearance. Although the results of facelift surgery are good, many people are greatly afraid of this operation. In case of possible mishaps, permanent damage to the face area is a great problem for the person. Here’s what to do before and after a facelift:- A person undergoing a facelift must stop smoking at least 15 days in advance.
- The procedure takes an average of 4 or 5 hours and the patient can return home after an hour of rest at clinic, if operation done under local anethesia.
- Since facelift surgery is a serious procedure, slight swelling and bruises may occur on the face after the operation. These take no more than 10 days to heal.
- Most doctors recommend wearing corsets around the neck after facelift surgery.
- Applying ice after surgery also accelerates the healing of the surgical wound.
- Endoscopic facelift
- Mini facelift
- General facelift
Endoscopic Face Lift Surgery
This procedure is performed using endoscopy devices. Other names for this procedure are dynamic facelift or three-dimensional facelift. It is made from the lower part of the skin by placing a camera at the end of telescopes with an average size of 4 mm. This process aims to pull up the sagging areas in the face. This process is a frequently preferred procedure and it provides a great advantage for patients by taking advantage of the latest methods of technology. An endoscopic facelift can be applied to most people in the middle age group. However, this procedure is not recommended for people with severe deformation in the face area. An endoscopic facelift is not a very difficult procedure. There is no sign of processing on any part of the face. Only very small traces can form at the entrance places of the telescope. The healing process is also quite short.Mini Face Lift Surgery
Mini facelift surgery is simpler than other facelifts and the recovery time is shorter. Therefore, mini facelift surgery is the most preferred among facelift procedures. After the mini facelift, the cheeks become tenser. The appearance of the patient is noticeably rejuvenated. Especially the disappearance of the bags under the eyes is one of the biggest effects. Since the resulting swelling and bruising are less than other facelifts, the healing process is also quite short. After mini facelift surgery, the patient returns home within an hour of rest at hospital. In an average of 10 days, the person can return to normal life.General Face Lift Surgery
A general facelift is a process where multiple problems can be resolved at the same time. In other words, it is a type of procedure in which many problems such as eyebrow removal, wrinkle removal, under-eye bruising, and cheekbone are solved at the same time. It has been observed that it is much more appropriate for health to perform these procedures at the same time. It is recommended that the application be carried out on people 40 years and older. Since multiple operations are performed at the same time in the general facelift, the duration varies between 2 hours and 6 hours on average. After the end of the procedure, a cold press is applied.Neck Lift Surgery
One of the problems that women complain about especially with the effect of gravity with the advancing age is the sagging of the under-jaw area. Sagging, which also occurs due to weight gain and loss and genetic factors, can be recovered in a short time with neck lift surgery. The under-chin area has a more tense and aesthetic appearance with the neck lift operation applied with different techniques. Different neck lift applications determined according to the degree of deformations are often performed together with the face area. Face and neck lift surgery may also cause problems in the under chin area and these are eliminated together. In this way, a more aesthetically effective image is obtained.
Surgical Method
Neck lift surgery is the process of stretching the muscles under the skin with stitches by taking the loosened skin formed under the neck. In this way, the neck angle, which is even more pronounced, provides a more aesthetic appearance in the person. Different methods can be applied for neck lift operations. These methods include surgical neck lift surgery, non-surgical cobweb method, mesotherapy method containing hyaluronic acid, therapy method, secret, and PRP. The price of neck lift surgery also varies according to these methods used.
Non-Surgical Method
The non-surgical neck lift, known as cobweb operation, is a neck lift without surgical intervention. It is a very comfortable alternative especially for those who are afraid of surgery and want to perform a neck lift without surgery. The rope is placed in the lower layer of the skin with the help of thin-tipped needles as needed by the patient. In this method, which is painless and occurs in a short time, the body reacts to the ropes and increases collagen production. The formation of elastin accelerates, stretching the neck area and starting to take shape. Immediately after the non-surgical neck lift, social life can be easily returned.
Post-Neck Lift Procedures
Some situations that need to be considered in the days after neck lift provide a more comfortable process.
- It is necessary to stop smoking and not to use aspirin 3 weeks before neck lift aesthetics.
- Especially in the last week before surgery, it is important to stop all drugs that will cause blood watering.
- Multivitamin pills containing substances such as ginseng, Gingko Biloba, co-enzyme Q are among those that should not be used before surgery.
- It is also necessary to avoid herbal teas and products such as green tea, cherry stalks, flaxseeds in this process.
- After neck lift surgery, the patient return to daily life after an hour of rest at clinic.
- The area where the surgery takes place should not be touched with water for 48 hours.
- 7 days after the operation, patient has first check-up and swelling and bruises gradually begin to recover.
- It is important to protect against the sun’s rays for 3 months after surgery. It should not be exposed to direct sun and protective products should be used.
- Neck massage is recommended for patients for 3 months to recover the surgical area faster.
Problems That May Occur After Stretching Surgery
After surgery, there may be some problems that are usually short-term.
Swellings and Bruises
The most common condition after face and neck lift surgery is swelling and bruising. However, these are reactions that can happen in every surgery and usually begin to improve within 2 weeks.
Some patients may experience early bleeding. This is a situation that needs to be taken seriously. It is necessary to make sure that blood pressure remains low at all times during and after surgery.
Prolonging the Recovery Process
In some patients, neck thinning and softening occurs in a slightly longer period. In such cases, auxiliary methods such as radiofrequency, deep tissue ultrasound, lymph drainage massage are used.
Lower Lip Movement Weakness
After face and neck lift surgery, sometimes weakening of lower lip movements may occur. This can sometimes take 2-3 days, sometimes 1-2 weeks. But this is a temporary situation that should not be feared.
Is Neck Lift Surgery Permanent?
After the neck lift operation, the body continues to age. Therefore, over time, slight sagging will be observed due to aging and gravity in the body. Ideally, with neck lift surgery, very noticeable deformations are repaired and subsequent sagging occurs more slowly if attention is paid. According to the skin type, the permanence of neck lift surgery varies. Sagging is more common on thick and oily skin. The skin of those with a thin skin structure will be deformed later.
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0538 266 66 97
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Mini Yüz ve Boyun Germe Ameliyatı, fiyatları yapılacak olan ameliyat şekline göre değişmektedir. Kliniğimizde uzman doktorumuzla yapılacak olan ücretsiz ön görüşme sonrasında detaylı fiyat bilgisi verilecektir.
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Mini Yüz ve Boyun Germe Ameliyatı, bir defa yapılır.
Anestezi şekline (genel mi/lokal mi) işlemden önce yapılan kontroller sırasında doktorumuz tarafından karar verilir. Mini Yüz Germe Ameliyatı Lokal Anestezi ile yapılır. Genel Yüz Germe Ameliyatı ise Genel Anestezi yöntemi ile yapılır.
Doktorlarımız özel estetik dikiş tekniğini bölgeye uyguladıklarından herhangi bir iz kalma durumu söz konusu değildir.
Mini Yüz ve Boyun Germe ameliyatı, doktor muayenesinden sonra doktorun kararına göre, 20 yaşın üstünde herkese uygulanabilir. Ama genellikle 35-40 yaşın üstünde hastalara önerilir.
Mini Yüz ve Boyun Germe uygulamasından sonra cildinizde hissedilebilir bir gerilme olacaktır ancak bu gerilme mimik hareketleriniz asla engellemez. Yüzünüz daha aydınlık daha fresh bir görünüme kavuşacaktır.