Nasolabial Filling

Filling applications are performed for the removal of fine lines on the face, volume gain, collapses caused by gravity effect, loss of adipose tissue. One of them is that with the progression of age, this unhappy expression line that descends from the nose wings to the edges of the mouth deepens. These lines are the most prominent area of the face that determines the circumference of the nose, extending from the nose wings to the edges of the mouth and making us look tired and unhappy in our daily lives. The nasolabial filling is a painless, fast, and easy process to destroy the effect of deep lines, especially from the nose wings to the edges of the mouth.

Nasolabial Fill Effect Time?

Mild edema and swelling occur for several days. After 1 week, after the check, the filling completely gains volume. The effect of nasolabial filling varies from person to person and is associated with the metabolic rate and body structure of the person. With 2 applications at 6-month intervals, sufficient volume is reached. Afterward, the filling is made once a year and preserved. Depending on the molecular structure and density of the product used, the permanence of the filling can last 8 to 18 months. Besides, the life of the filling will be extended even more by regeneration before the filling is completely melted.

Appointment Line

0538 266 66 97

For more information, please contact us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Kaç Seans Yapılır1

İşlem Süresi15-20 dk

Anestezi  Lokal Anestezi

Hassasiyet Süresi 1-2 Gün

İşe Ne Zaman Dönülür1 Gün

Tam İyilişme Süresi 2-3 Gün

Kalıcılık Süresi 12-18 Ay

Hastanede Yatış SüresiYok

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