Nevus Intake
Benign nevus is sometimes found in undesirable areas of the body. Some nevi are attached to the hand or comb, while others create an aesthetically undesirable appearance. For people who want to have nevus removed, different nevus removal methods are available according to the type of nevus.
Surgical nevus intake or laser nevus removal options, also known as epithelial polyp surgery, depending on the decision taken by the doctor with the patient. Benign nevus can be easily removed by modern laser devices and surgical methods.
What are Nevus Types?
The average human body has about 40 nevi. These nevi are spread across different parts of the body and can be seen in different sizes, shapes, textures, and colors. The colors of nevi are usually black and brown tones. Some nevus species may have thin feathers on them, while most nevi may also have long, thicker, and coarser feathers than usual. Most often the size of these nevi is less than 0.5 mm. The vast majority of nevi are formed later. During adolescence, the formation of nevus increases. These nevi are skin lesions that are usually benign. Compared to people with light skin, dark-skinned people have less nevus. While some types of nevus are like a stain at the skin level, there are also fluffy nevus types called an epithelial polyp. The question of why epithelial polyp occurs can often be answered by genetic factors and pregnancy. However, the epithelial polyp can also be removed due to the use of turtlenecks and ties, diabetes, and obesity. Some nevus can be benign, while others may be malignant.
That’s why epithelial polyp treatment is important. In case of darkening of the color of the existing nevus, changes in color and size, or bleeding, it should be evaluated by a specialist physician. The patient should decide together with the patient-doctor about surgical nevus removal operation or laser nevus removal treatment.
Surgical Nevus Intake
In the surgical intervention method called nevus intake, local anesthesia is usually applied to the area where the nevus will be taken and the procedure usually does not carry a risk. On the contrary, if there is a risk, it allows it to be detected in advance. Nevi, which are seen changes such as itching, bleeding, discoloration, irregularity, or growth of the edges, are often taken by this method. According to the position of the nevus, the surgeon takes the nevus with the fine tissue underneath with minimal scarring. Although the intervention style varies according to the depth of the nevus, the nevus removal process is usually completed in a very short time. After some rest, the patient returns to his normal life. Nevus removal suture scar is minimal. Most of the time, the seam mark is invisible.
Tissue shift is performed when necessary during epithelial polyp removal. The advantage of this method according to the nevus burning process is that after nevus intake, the suspected nevus or epithelial polyp is examined pathologically to determine whether it is bad or benign.
Laser Nevus Intake
If the nevus has not spread over a very large area, laser nevus intake is performed even if there is a blister on the skin surface. As in the surgical method, local anesthesia is performed on the area of the nevus or epithelial polyp that disturbs the person or does not look aesthetically beautiful. Painless nevus burning is carried out. Nevus blade, which is located in different regions, is quickly removed seamlessly without touching the modern device and specialist hands. Multiple nevus removal in one session is possible with laser treatment. The shell formed after laser nevus removal drops spontaneously within a week. The resulting pinkness returns to normal skin color in about 1 month. Epithelial polyp laser treatment is also performed extremely quickly. Local anesthesia is applied before epithelial polyp burning. Nevus doesn’t leave a mark unless it’s too big. Hair follicles are not damaged during the nevus intake on the face where the beard is located.
Although nevus removal is performed in many hospitals and clinics in Istanbul, it is extremely important to do it with high-tech products and by specialist physicians. Thus, the duration of the operation is reduced and the side effects that may occur as a result of the procedure are prevented.
Advantages of Laser Nevus Removal
- The process is completed without touching the blade.
- It’s painless.
- No scars or stitches.
- More than one nevus can be taken in a single session.
- Hair follicles are not damaged.
- Everyday life is quickly returned.