Üst Göz Kapağı Dolgusu

Upper Eyelid Filler

You don’t like the shape, posture, and energy of your eyes. You can’t predict exactly why. Sometimes the problem is very easy to detect. There is a serious excess of skin in the upper eyelid. But sometimes the problem is not easy to detect. Sometimes a lot of problems can be intertwined.

The eyebrow is located at the level of the upper edge of the eye cavity called the “Orbita” of the skull. It should be smooth skin and a smooth transition between the eyebrow area and the upper eyelid fold. Folded lashes are located 6-8 mm above the level. Like any fold, this fold shows some inward collapse. It is not normal for this depression to be in the cover area at the top of the fold. It gives the person an old and tired look.

The fullness of this region is a youthful feature. However, it is an important requirement that this area is not fluffier than a flat surface. Filling the depression in this region creates a younger and more dynamic view.

Fat injections are preferred for this region. The person’s adipose tissue is taken with a special cannula and applied under the skin in this area in a thin form. This adipose tissue can also be removed from the lower eyelid if the lower eyelid aesthetics are to be applied to the patient.

Appointment Line

0538 266 66 97

For more information, please contact us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Kaç Seans Yapılır1

İşlem Süresi15-20 dk

Anestezi  Lokal Anestezi

Hassasiyet Süresi 1-2 Gün

İşe Ne Zaman Dönülür1 Gün

Tam İyilişme Süresi 2-3 Gün

Kalıcılık Süresi 12-18 Ay

Hastanede Yatış SüresiYok

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