Varicose Vein Treatment
Varicose veins are a disease that many people complain about and are more common, especially in women. Today, varicose vein treatment methods are quite many. Varicose vein treatment can be done by laser or performed with steam according to the location of the varicose vein. Specialist physicians diagnose the whereabouts of the person’s varicose veins and decide which treatment to apply with the patient. In which outpatient clinic varicose vein treatment will be applied, it varies according to the conditions of the hospital. However, varicose vein treatment must be carried out correctly with modern devices under the supervision of a specialist doctor.
Why Does the Varicosis Happen?
The blood in our body must circulate healthily. The main task of the veins where dirty blood is collected is to carry the blood to the heart by oxygenation and returning to circulation. The blood in the legs, which is the furthest point in terms of distance to our heart, is pushed towards the heart with the help of the valves located in the veins. Due to the disorder in these valves, blood cannot be carried upwards and accumulates in the vein, forming the appearance of varicose veins. It is also more common in varicose vein women than in men, which also leads to a bad appearance cosmetically. The disorder in these vascular structures leads to complaints such as pain in the legs, swelling, fatigue, tingling, cramping. In some cases, varicose veins also develop varicose veins. With advancing medicine, private hospitals that treat varicose veins help you to get rid of these complaints. The main symptoms of varicose veins are as follows:
- Pain and swelling in the legs
- Numbness
- Itching
- Feeling of weight
- Spider web-like image on the surface of the leg
- Purple and blue appearance on the leg surface
How to Treat Varicose Veins?
There are many treatment methods to get rid of the bad image and complaints that bother you in your legs. These treatments aim to burn the inner surface of the vessel. Varicose vein treatment with foam is applied in small veins, while varicose veins are treated with laser. You choose the treatment method of this disorder with your doctor, where there are many treatment methods. Among the varicose vein treatment methods, laser, steam, and foam applications are the three most commonly used methods. It is extremely easy with the right hands to get rid of varicose veins that affect you aesthetically as well as in terms of your health. In most methods, patient returns to daily activities immediately after procedure. The treatment known as varicose vein surgery is to scrape the varicose vein with a small incision, pull it with a hook and remove the varicose vein. These procedures are some of the answers to the question “How to treat varicose veins?”.
Varicose Vein Treatment Methods
In some cases, bleeding occurs under and above the skin. Although bleeding on the surface of the skin is rarely seen, people who experience this event panic. However, the bleeding stops in a short time, and varicose vein burst treatment is applied by specialist physicians. Another method, varicose vein treatment, is applied by laser. The simplest answer to the question of how to treat varicose veins is as follows: In this method, local anesthesia is applied to the area where varicose veins are present and laser veins are intervened. When the process is completed, treatment is applied with foam. Thus, controlled internal obstruction of the vessel is ensured and intact vessels are protected.
This method, which is applied painlessly and without sutures, lasts about an hour, patient returns to daily activities immediately after procedure. In the steam varicose vein treatment process, local anesthesia is applied to burn and close the varicose vein with water vapor. In this method applied from top to bottom, the person walks home after treatment. Varicose vein foam treatment is considered a complementary treatment. A needle is placed in the varicose veins with ultrasound and foamed drugs are given to the inner surface of the vessel, burning the vessel and closing the vessel. In all three treatment methods mentioned, patients can return to their daily lives. The aesthetic consequences of all treatments are quite high. Treatment with foam has been applied in the treatment of varicose veins for a long time. When combined with laser varicose vein treatment and foam varicose vein treatment, much better results are obtained. With all these methods applied with modern devices used by specialist hands, patients easily get rid of their complaints and aesthetic concerns.